With Disney still nailing down the property, there’s simply no way Star Wars could have appeared before, but it’s a different story now. Kingdom Hearts 3 was first announced in 2013, two years before the release of The Force Awakens. It makes sense that now would be the time to introduce Star Wars into Kingdom Hearts, with the start of a brand new arc. The forest itself does indeed look a lot like the moon of Endor, and it seems almost out of place compared to everything else in Quadratum. With just a quick shot it’s impossible to say for certain, but it certainly raises an eyebrow. A very quick screen shows a metal object in the top right, which looks suspiciously similar to an AT-ST foot. However, there’s a strange section near the beginning that shows an incredibly dense forest, and one shot, in particular, has fans thinking it could be Endor from Star Wars. Almost the entirety of the trailer is set in a city called Quadratum, which seems to be modern-day Japan. The biggest and easily most exciting possibility is a potential Star Wars world that may be featured in Kingdom Hearts 4. Kingdom Hearts 4 was announced back in April at the series' 20th-anniversary celebrations.The red circle shows a foot that looks suspiciously like an AT-ST in a heavily forested location. This was a challenge we had for ourselves - just to see how realistic can we make this, and that's something that we're working on right now."

This time around we're spending some time in the actual real world. "As far as worlds go, in the past, we've featured a lot of Disney worlds and among those, the most realistic one was probably Pirates of the Caribbean. I feel like players will get to see more of the day-to-day routines he goes through," said Nomura. You can see him go in and out of his room and spend time there. "Because the graphics are more realistic this time around, I feel like there's more of a realistic daily life aspect to Sora's life. That graphical quality extends to the new setting of Quadratum, adding a new sense of realism to the series.
At this time we're considering how to approach that, but there will be Disney worlds in Kingdom Hearts 4," he said. since with each new title, the specs have been really increasing and there's so much more we can do in terms of graphics, it kind of limits the number of worlds that we can create in a sense. Nomura also revealed more about how integral Disney will be in the new game - it "might feel slightly different from previous Kingdom Hearts titles". We can't really give you a firm reply on this just yet." But just with the sheer number of original characters that we have now, it's hard to say what the exact balance is going to be and how it will play out in Kingdom Hearts IV. That's something we definitely are thinking about. I know that some fans were concerned about that and weren't too happy and wanted to see more Final Fantasy characters. "We're trying to find a good balance for that. With Kingdom Hearts 3, since we did have so many original Kingdom Hearts characters, it was hard to find room for including more Final Fantasy characters," he said. "Now, there are so many original characters from Kingdom Hearts that are so well-loved, and people want to see more of those characters. With the first Kingdom Hearts game on PS2, its original characters were unknown so the team added Final Fantasy cameos to flesh out the cast. But I really feel like that's not the basic concept of Kingdom Hearts that's not exactly what Kingdom Hearts is," he said. "One thing I want to clear up is that a lot of fans are saying that Kingdom Hearts is this collaboration between Disney characters and Final Fantasy characters. Yet asked if Kingdom Hearts 4 will bring back cameos of Final Fantasy characters, Nomura gave some interesting insight into balancing the game's franchises. Speaking to Game Informer, Nomura discussed a number of details about the forthcoming entry in the long-running series. Kingdom Hearts director Tetsuya Nomura has said his team is "trying to find a good balance" of Final Fantasy characters in Kingdom Hearts 4.